Dear friends,
The past 1 1/2 years have been a true roller coaster.
Music makes me “tick”. As everything around me seemed to be collapsing, the only option left was me to roll up my sleeves and … work!
In the past 18 months, I have managed to do so with the following results:
3 festivals
(2x Jazz On The Sofa)
6 concert series
(Lotz Of Music Series)
(2x Mark My Wor(l)ds series)
(Food Foragers Happy Happy Tour)
commission composition assignments to 8 artists
(Jazz On The Sofa)
a new jazz club
(Jazzcafé Zeist)
a new foundation
(Stichting Jazz and World Zeist, Jaw-Z)
I feel privileged to have been able to provide our dear audiences as well as and many musicians, spiritual and mental support.
Mark My Wor(l)ds
Jazz On The Sofa 2021
On the artistic side I did not rest at all. Plenty has resulted from my efforts.
I have initiated new ensembles, composed and premiered a lot new music and recorded, performed music for films and for many other artists. Too many to mention. For now I wil just share these details:
We have formed a new trio LAIMA, which features the sounds of bansuri, ney and rebab blend with guitar and modular synths. With,
Ella Zirina (Latvia) guitar
Cengiz Arslanpay (Turkey) electronics, flutes, rebab
BUMA/Stemra Composition assignment
We will be recording my composition assignment for the
Week Of The Jazz with a dream band consisting of
Claudio Puntin (Swiss) clarinets & electronics
Jörg Brinkmann (Germany) cello
Jeroen van Vliet (The Netherlands) piano
Marc Schilders (The Netherlands) drums
I am very pleased to share new live videos with you.
They feature a lot Bansuri.
Mandala Tribe
Live At Concertgemaal (NPO Television)
Mark Lotz Trio
Live At The Savelberg Chapel (Heerlen)
I love to encourage you to listen to music, without visuals.
Why not open this link and listen to a play-list with a selection of my music while browsing the net?
Shows Spring
02/04 Eindhoven
02/05 Mimik, Deventer
02/06 Zutphen
02/06 Lochem
Laima Trio
02/10 GIST, Museum Speelklok, Utrecht
Jazzcafé Zeist
02/13 Orangerie Slot Zeist
VOLfest #Turkey
02/18 WSP Vollenhove, Zeist
Jazzcafé Zeist
03/13 Orangerie castle, Zeist
VOLfest #Baíma
03/18 WSP Vollenhove, Zeist
BIM Anniversary Concert band
03/26 Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht
Mark Lotz Trio • Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out!
04/07 GIST @ Museum Speelklok, Utrecht
Jazzcafé Zeist
04/10 Orangerie castle, Zeist
VOLfest #Argentinia
04/15 Torenflat, Zeist
BIM Anniversary Concert band
04/26 BIMhuis, Amsterdam
05/08 Orangerie castle, Zeist
VOLfest #Iran
05/13 Torenflat, Zeist
BIM Anniversary Concert band
06/04 Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht
06/12 Orangerie Castle Zeist
06/17 Torenflat, Zeist
Workshop HKU
06/18 DUMS, Utrecht
BIM Anniversary Concert band
06/22 Oosterport, Groningen
check the Itinerary for updates
Despite decreasing ticket sales from restricted audiences due to Corona rules and cautious audiences, I was able to pay all of the musicians, including for their rehearsals, compositions, interviews, travels and the concerts themselves well.
This was made possible with the generous support of Fonds Podiumkunsten, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Kickstartfonds, Norma Foundation, Sena, Municipality of Utrecht, Municipality of Zeist, Stichting Wereldmuziek Utrecht, Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, Carel Nengerman Stichting, Van Tellingen Pul Stichting, Nationaal Podiumplan, Kunstenhuis, Idea, Van Tellingen Interieurs, Beauforthuis, Museum Speelklok.
The staging of the concerts has required a great deal of perseverance and effort, from all of us (One of tour concerts had to be re-scheduled four times!). So my gratitude to all of the musicians involved, as well as my partners, the Lotz Of Music Foundation, the JAW-Z Foundation, GIST!, Brenda Emmen-Hassel, Franka de Groot, Anne-Marie Winkelman. Thank you ALL for your support!