This letter informs you about my musical activities. Published 3 á 4 times a year.
I am dedicating my life to music and I am delighted to share it with you.

Mark Lotz

Dear friends,

The past year I have sent my newsletter just twice. Please have mercy. As I never rest, a lot ‘did’ happen actually. But let’s look into the future.
Here a short update:

CD Release Freshta

VOLfest (World Music Festival)

Mark My Wor(l)ds  (World Music Series)





Mark Lotz • CD Freshta



This album is dedicated to the memory of activist Freshta Kohistani.
It is the result of the composition assignment by the Dutch authoring organization BUMA and the Federation Of Dutch Jazz Festivals VNJJ.


.(Released by ZenneZ & Berthold Records in December 2023.)
(A portion of the proceeds from this album will be donated to Care Nederland.)

New music performed by a new ensemble by artists who I believe are able to add an emotional layer to complex music.

Claudio Puntin (Switzerland) • clarinets
Dirk-Peter Kölsch (Germany) • drums
Jörg Brinkmann (Germany) • cello
Jeroen van Vliet (The Netherlands) • piano
Mark Lotz (The Netherlands) • flutes

We present modern jazz with a modern classical chamber sound and instrumentation.

The press says:


JazzHalo (Belgium)
“A penetrating and equally distressing and serene musical tribute.”


Jazzbuzz (Greece)
“Deeply human approach.”


Salt Peanuts (Norway)
“ Complex stories with captivating emotional power, beauty and elegance.”


Jazzflits (The Netherlands)
“A musical pamphlet that makes you think.”

On January 31st and April 11th, Jazz-Facts at German Radio Deutschlandfunk and HR-2 will have specials broadcasted. And we got airplay in a.o. the US, UK,  Chile, Germany, France, Belgium.

Listen Freshta here (Click Me)


Being an artist entails a responsibility. Our music always connects and allows us to articulate issues. For me this also implies that I connect with and serve also my local community. Passionately committed to my art, I am involved in two activities which present the voices of musicians from all over the globe.



VOLfest • World Music Series


Friday February 9th
marks the start of the third edition of our VOLFest world music concert series and festival. A community based initiative around the legendary Vollenhove flats of my little hometown Zeist. It also features concerts at a colorful elementary school for children, hardly ever exposed to live music.

This edition of VOLfest features my musical friends from Greece, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Iran and Turkey.

Get Tickets here: Click me.


Mark My Wor(l)ds • World Music Series



My Mark My Wor(l)ds concert series sees its last edition this Saturday. Again a sold out concert.

Here I invite friends from different traditions of the world to perform music in a gorgeous historic location. In the days of wars, crises and social unrest, let the voices of artists of the many cultures that the Netherlands is rich be heard.

We keep you in the loop.


Albi, I have released or make part of in 2023. Check them out here.

Two world music releases are planned for next year. Probably on a record label of my own.


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Copyright © 2024 Mark Lotz, All rights reserved.

Postal address: Burgemeester Patijnlaan 50, Zeist, 3705 CG, The Netherlands

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We do respect your privacy. We will not share your personal data with third parties. 

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